Roland  |  SKU : P-20HD

Roland P-20HD Video Instant Replayer


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Until now, creating slow-motion instant replays in live sports productions has required an arsenal of complicated and expensive gear—and the knowledge to run it all. Roland’s P-20HD changes all that, providing an affordable and easy-to-use solution that lets you bring pro replay capabilities to any production setup. Offering seamless integration with most Roland A/V switchers and HDMI camcorders and cameras, the P-20HD transforms everyday sports video productions into edge-of-seat fan experiences.


  • Slow-motion instant replay and variable speed playback
  • Intuitive controls for single-operator sports production
  • Simultaneous recording and playback
  • Clip playlist builder for creating highlight reels
  • Integrated color LCD for preview monitoring
  • Capture long events to low cost and widely available SD cards
  • Compact, portable, and reliable hardware design
  • Ideal for school sports, esports, and sports training


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One Person Operation

A pro sports network broadcast has a dedicated team that handles replay duties. With the P-20HD, a single operator can easily mark, cue, and replay clips while managing other elements of a production. Simply register events as clips with button taps while recording, and then instantly play them back with dedicated panel switches. Version 1.2 USB Keyboard, BOSS foot switch and expression pedal provide you to execute different switcher commands more easily.

Direct-Access Controls

Filled with single-task hardware controls, the P-20HD provides a hands-on experience that lets you get the job done with zero frustration. Dedicated transport buttons include play, pause, forward, rewind, mark in, and mark out. A jog/shuttle wheel with optical encoding provides precise, fluid control to scrub clips for replay and editing, while the T-bar lets you adjust playback speed. Engaging the Speed Range function provides ultra-fine control, perfect for focusing in on tight action and contested plays.

Superb Audio Quality

The P-20HD features the high-quality sound processing that Roland is famous for. Stereo audio I/O is supported via embedded HDMI and analog RCA jacks, and there’s a convenient headphones jack for signal monitoring. Onboard EQ, limiter, and delay effects are also available to enhance the sound and eliminate audio and video sync issues.

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